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Initiatives & Activities

Through the below various activities and events, Hesed Women's Ministry aims to build community, foster spiritual growth, and empower women to develop intimacy with God and dependence on Him daily.


Here's a comprehensive list of activities and events for Hesed Women's Ministry:

The Walk in Series

  • Organize structured conversations during a 3-mile walk, where each woman is randomly paired with another for each mile.

  • Provide opportunities for women to engage in meaningful and transformative conversations based on the designated theme for each mile.

  • Facilitate prayer sessions during the walk, allowing participants to lift up prayers for friends and family as led by the Holy Spirit.

  • Encourage participants to make phone calls of encouragement and prayer to friends and family identified during the walk.

Logos Bible Study Method Series:

  • Conduct a 4-part series on the Logos Bible Study Method, meeting once a month for four months.

  • Explore different aspects of the Logos Bible Study Method, including book synthesis, character study, inductive Bible study, and verse mapping.

  • Equip participants with practical tools and techniques for studying the Bible effectively and gaining a deeper understanding of God's Word.

Prayer Conference for Intimacy and Dependence

  • Host a prayer conference aimed at building intimacy with God and cultivating dependence on Him.

  • Provide opportunities for participants to engage in corporate prayer, worship, and reflection, creating an atmosphere of spiritual renewal and transformation.

  • Offer teachings, workshops, and prayer sessions designed to deepen participants' prayer lives and strengthen their relationship with God.

The Lab - Deep Dive Bible Study

  • Host in-depth 5-hour Bible study sessions focused on studying an entire book of the Bible using the inductive Bible study method.

  • Provide resources and guidance to help participants delve deeper into Scripture, gain a better understanding of biblical principles, and apply them to their lives.

  • Foster an environment of open discussion, exploration, and reflection as participants engage with the text and share insights with one another.

Book Clubs for Spiritual Growth:

  • Curated book clubs focused on reading and discussing books that promote spiritual growth, deepen knowledge of God, and foster intimacy with Him.

  • Select books that cover a wide range of topics, including theology, Christian living, prayer, discipleship, and personal development.

  • Facilitate group discussions.



Volunteer with Hesed! Join the team as we endeavor to enrich and support women of God in the city.


What does Hesed Mean?

Derived from the Hebrew word "hesed," meaning steadfast love, kindness, and faithfulness, our ministry is rooted in the foundational truth of God's unending love and grace towards His people.



At HESED, Christian mentoring for women exemplifies the enduring practice of older women as mentors sharing their wisdom and guidance with younger generations, fostering a sisterhood rooted in faith. Grounded in biblical teachings and life lessons, these mentors walk alongside younger women, providing nurturing support, spiritual insight, and practical guidance.

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