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Singles Ministry - Main page

Hesed Single's Ministry


Welcome to the Hesed Singles Ministry, a vibrant community dedicated to embracing the calling of singleness as a means to wholeheartedly serve the Lord. Inspired by the biblical principle that singles have a unique opportunity to devote themselves fully to God's work, our ministry is committed to fostering spiritual growth, accountability, and fellowship among unmarried individuals.


At Hesed Singles Ministry, we recognize that singleness is not a waiting period but a valuable season of life in which we can deepen our relationship with God and serve Him wholeheartedly. Our ministry is founded on the belief that singles can thrive in their walk with Christ as they pursue meaningful connections, serve alongside fellow believers, and grow in their faith journey.


Key goals of our ministry include:​

Spirtual Growth

We provide resources, events, and opportunities for singles to grow spiritually, deepen their understanding of Scripture, and cultivate a vibrant relationship with God.


We believe in the importance of accountability within the Christian community. Through small groups, mentoring relationships, and prayer partnerships, we encourage singles to support and uplift one another in their faith journey.

Serving Together

Our ministry offers various service opportunities where singles can use their gifts and talents to serve others, both within the church and in the wider community. By serving together, we strengthen bonds, make a positive impact, and glorify God through our actions.


We create a safe and welcoming environment where singles can gather for fellowship, friendship, and mutual support. Our events and gatherings provide opportunities to build authentic relationships, share experiences, and enjoy meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.



Volunteer with Hesed! Join the team as we endeavor to enrich and support women of God in the city.


What does Hesed Mean?

Derived from the Hebrew word "hesed," meaning steadfast love, kindness, and faithfulness, our ministry is rooted in the foundational truth of God's unending love and grace towards His people.


Prayer Requests

Submit your Prayer Requests to our Volunteer Prayer Team.


"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

- Mark 11:24

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